Health & Wellness Coach

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Mindful living: a holistic approach beyond nutrition

True health extends beyond what's on our plate; it's a synergy of mind, body, and lifestyle. Despite maintaining a nutritious diet, engaging in physical activity, and staying hydrated, we may find ourselves drained, stressed, or struggling with sleep. Why? Because our emotional well-being is integral to our overall health. 

As an Integrative Nutrition Coach, I delve into primary and secondary foods. Primary foods encompass joy, work, relationships, finances, leisure, and studies ā€“ the pillars shaping our well-being. Secondary food, on the other hand, nourishes our physical bodies.

Many individuals turn to a Health Coach seeking nutritional improvements, recognising a discrepancy in this aspect of their lives. However, our relationship with food often mirrors underlying imbalances elsewhere. Take, for example, a client who approached me with skin issues and weight concerns. As we explored her struggles with binge eating, it became clear that work-related frustrations were the root cause. Instead of focusing solely on a diet, we prioritised creating an action plan to reshape her work dynamics, subsequently alleviating anxiety and addressing weight gain.

These connections may not always be as apparent, but the body never deceives. It signals imbalances through symptoms, guiding us toward a happier, more fulfilling life. If your intuition whispers that something is amiss, listen closely!

As a Health & Wellness Coach, I'm here to be your guide. Iā€™d be happy to offer you a free consultation to explore your story ā€“ no strings attached.

Let's embark on a journey to holistic well-being together.